We at "Red Velvet Media" wish to make a formal announcement that we will no longer be doing business with Spencer Drate, Judith Salavetz or anyone acting on their behalf. I want to thank them both for their time and effort helping Red Velvet Media Blog Talk Radio. We both have projects that are taking us into different directions and I want to wish them both the best of success. There is no hostility here, just a business decision. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me (Holly) and I will be happy to answer any questions that are not too deep. Please be advised that I, "Holly Stephey" is the only one authorized to book, plan or start anything concerning Red Velvet Media or Red Velvet Media Blog talk Radio. We wish Spencer and Judith the best of luck and we thank our listeners for everyone's support of the station since it's inception. We love you!!! ~Holly Stephey~