Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We are standing as ONE voice shining light onto all that good, bringing to the foreground all the kindness, love and compassion that we are.
This peace certificate is an acknowledgement of your stand for peace. A point of light which represents your voice connected with all those who work for nature, environment and humanity and bring peace everyday.

James Twyman is voice 0,000,000,434 of One Billion Souls standing for peace to shift mass consciousness, by bringing our attention to all the peace that already is being created by people everyday. Be acknowledged for the peace you bring to the world each day, be connected in our intent, have your voice count by collecting your very own personalised free Peace Voice Certificate, as we bring a reality to our intent one by one.

We Invite you also to take part in a day of gratitude, music and thanks on Peace Day Sept 21st.

On this day humanity lay down our weapons and pause to thank you and all those in your life who bring peace each day, sometimes in very difficult circumstances. We say that by celebrating life itself, you and all you do, in forgiveness and love ~ peace Shall manifest on earth when we stand as ONE. The time is Now...

Peace begins with us as we ripple out and touch each others life we create an ocean of Love, Compassion and Kindness together.

Wishing you peace in Your heart today and everyday.
We Thank You, for All the Peace you Bring to life each day.

We Invite You to Stand with us,
To add Your voice here and collect your free certificate, post it, share it or wear it! Be Free!
Here ~

Go here to get your personal certificate

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Red Velvet Media is launching some great new projects with some exciting new Partners! Stay Tuned ! Holly  Red Velvet Media